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If you’ve been in tech for a while, UX (User eXperience) would’ve been an unmissable term in your journey. UX comprises any form of human interaction, including websites, applications, and desktop and cloud software. In short, UX is an extension of a person’s behavior or mindset while exploring your tech.

This probably trickles down to the monumental importance of UX in a user’s journey. A meaningful UX gives a business the power to architect a user’s interaction with their product or brand, making them feel grounded and loyal to their choices. In other words, UX is an amalgamation of positive experiences that can help transform a user into a lead/customer.

In the later half of 2018, McKinsey & Company published “The Business Value of Design” research that studied over 300 companies to discover one key insight-  “Design is the only way companies can stand out from the crowd.”. Through quantitative data, the global management consultant for the world’s most influential businesses and institutions found that firms that embraced UX design generated 32% more revenue and 56% more shareholder returns.

With agile development being favored by many global enterprises today, UX has found its way to dance along with this winning process, quite seamlessly. Agile UX design blends user experience design with the agile development framework, making user journeys a hypothesis-based and iterative process. Although it might seem unrelated initially, you will eventually see the outcome of merging agile and user experience design philosophies – a more efficient way of building winning products with a gratifying user interface.

Traditional UX vs. Lean UX vs. Agile UX

To make it easier to comprehend the differences, let’s divide each UX concept into two components – the core and the problem statement.

Based on the business or product development scenario, there arises a need to fuse both lean and agile UX practices. Looking at the above segmentation, I’m sure it’s easy to understand why.

Lean UX instills the values of validating a product, after which agile UX helps achieve continuous improvement.

However, to stay true to the topic, let’s keep our content narrowed down to agile UX.

Key Principles of Agile UX

There are three key principles that demonstrate how agile methods can improve and complement UX design:

1.Team-member interactions

Plays a vital role in software development with unified and well-communicated effort.

2. Customer feedback and analysis

An integral part of the agile development process is where feedback is collected and gauged, putting the end-user in the driver’s seat of product development at an early stage.

3. Incremental project completion

Allows software development to respond to changes in stages, eliminating unwanted friction in the process.

Implementing Agile UX


Agile UX is somewhat of a different ball game compared to traditional UX methods. Having said so, it is vital & super-valuable to immerse your entire production team into familiarising the fundamentals of agile development. The convergence of the design and dev team on agile thinking strengthens their wavelength and helps them communicate better while they work on the product.


Agile is not a standard process that’s globally practiced. It varies largely based on the scale and needs of your product & business. Understanding this will help you adapt to the perfect agile framework and tune it further based on the dynamic business environment needs.


Designers are always committed to delivering the best on the first go. However, agile processes are here to remind them that the outcomes are incremental. Constant feedback becomes fuel for ideal progress. Hence preparing your team to anticipate and embrace such feedback forms a continuous cycle of iteration, which is the core of agile development.


Agile processes rely heavily on communication. Hence setting up the right tools to enable effective communication is super important. Agile UX works wonders when designers and developers communicate without any hindrance. As they say, “ teamwork makes the team work”.

At the end of the day, agile UX is all about building for the customer and making their lives easier. It is about building to satisfy their ultimate needs and preferences far more valuable than timelines, budgets, or milestones. SRM Tech’s deep-rooted agile engineering and design capabilities are tailored to keep your customer journeys and experience at its core. We enable enterprises, SMBs, and startups to build and iterate their product design, winning customers through UX that tackles function and fluidity. Talk to us to know how we ameliorate your digital product user experience.

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